$97.00 USD

Character Strengths 101

Unlock the Power of Character: Enroll in Character Strengths 101 Today!

Welcome to the final step before embarking on a transformative journey with your child. Our Character Strengths 101 course is meticulously crafted to guide young minds through the seven pivotal character strengths that form the bedrock of Girls Mentorship's philosophy.

What you'll discover inside:

  • In-Depth Exploration: Dive deep into each of the seven character strengths. Understand the 'what', 'why', and 'how' that make these traits essential for personal growth.
  • Tailored Insights: Learn why these strengths matter now more than ever and how refining them can set your child up for success in all walks of life.
  • Parental Guidance Missed: Uncover the critical aspects of character development that are often overlooked, giving you the edge in nurturing your child's potential.
  • Triad of Teaching: Master three dynamic approaches to instill these values — through fostering self-awareness, recognizing strengths in action, and aligning with a purposeful life.

Your Takeaways:

  • A comprehensive understanding of core character strengths that will serve your child for a lifetime.
  • Practical strategies to help your child recognize and use their strengths daily.
  • The know-how to support your child in aligning their actions with their deeper purpose.

Why This Matters:

In a world where character often takes a backseat to other metrics of success, our course equips you with the knowledge and tools to prioritize what truly counts. This is not just an investment in your child's present but a foundational stone for their future. 

What People Are Saying:

Adelle has built walls up to protect herself against those who don't understand her uniqueness. She learned to challenge her perceptions of others perceptions of her.

Marcia R. - Mom

Since being involved with Girls Mentorship, I’ve seen her reflecting on being more positive. I’ve also noticed her being stronger when faced with friend drama.

Allison P. - Mom

You provide a space filled with love, happiness and growth.

Caroline G. - Mom

The dedication and passion you bring to this mentorship program is evident in every interaction, activity, and moment shared. The atmosphere you create is one of warmth, encouragement, and empowerment, where these young minds can flourish. The transformative journey that they embark upon under your guidance is truly awe-inspiring. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of this life-changing experience. I am honored to have experienced the immense positive influence you have on these remarkable young girls.

Racheal T. - Volunteer